Storrept admin options

Applies To: Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2008 R2

Configures e-mail notification options used by File Server Resource Manager and the Dirquota [LH], Filescrn [LH], andStorrept commands. If used without parameters, the storrept admin options command displays the values of the options that are currently configured.


To use this command, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


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storrept admin options [/smtp:<ServerName>] [/from:<FromEmail>]
   [/adminemails:<AdminEmails>] [/screenaudit:{enabled | disabled}]
   [/command:{enabled | disabled}] [/runlimitinterval:<NotifyType>,<Interval>]





Specifies ServerName as the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server to be used when sending e-mail notifications and storage reports.


Specifies the default e-mail address to be used as the originating e-mail address for notifications and storage reports. This e-mail address will be used for notifications and storage reports for which a different From address is not explicitly specified.


Specifies the default list of e-mail addresses for the recipients of notifications and storage reports. This parameter also specifies the value of the [Admin Email] variable used in some File Server Resource Manager notifications. Use a semicolon to separate multiple e-mail addresses, without leaving blank spaces between them.

/screenaudit:{enabled | disabled}

Enables or disables file screen auditing. When enabled, file screening activity is recorded in an auditing database. You can review information in this database by generating a File Screening Audit report, using either the File Server Resource Manager snap-in or the Storrept command.

/command:{enabled | disabled}

Enables or disables command-line notifications.


Specifies that notifications of type NotifyType can be raised for the same issue only every Interval minutes. This reduces the number of notifications raised for repeatedly exceeding a quota or detecting an unauthorized file.

NotifyType must be one of the following:

  • m — an e-mail notification

  • e — an event log notification

  • c — a command or script execution

  • r — a report generation


Performs the operation on the remote computer ComputerName.


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storrept ad o /
storrept admin options /


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storrept admin options

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storrept admin options / /

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storrept admin options /runlimitinterval:m,120

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Command-Line Syntax Key

Storrept admin options