Storrept admin defaults

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2008

Configures default locations and parameter values for storage reports that are generated with File Server Resource Manager and the Dirquota [LH], Filescrn [LH], and Storrept commands. If used without parameters, the storrept admin defaults command displays the default locations and values that are currently configured.


To use this command, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


Copy Code

storrept admin defaults [/scheduled:<ScheduledPath>]
   [/incident:<IncidentPath>] [/ondemand:<OnDemandPath>]
   [/filename-FilesByOwner:<Pattern>] [/filename-LargeFiles:<Pattern>]
   [/filename-MostRecentlyAccessed:<Pattern>] [/minage-FileScreenAudit:<MinAge>]
   [/minage-LeastRecentlyAccessed:<MinAge>] [/maxage-MostRecentlyAccessed:<MaxAge>]
   [/minsize-LargeFiles:<MinSize>[kb | mb | gb]]
   [/minuse-QuotaUsage:<MinUse>] [/owners-FilesByOwner:"<OwnerList>"]
   [/owners-FileScreenAudit:"<OwnerList>"] [/remote:<ComputerName>]





Specifies that scheduled reports should be stored at path ScheduledPath.


Specifies that incident (notification) reports should be stored at path IncidentPath.


Specifies that on-demand reports should be stored at path OnDemandPath.


Specifies a list of file groups for the Files by File Group report. The FgList value is a list of one or more file group names separated by a pipe character (|), enclosed in quotation marks. To specify all file groups, set FgList to "".

To display a list of file groups, use the Filescrn filegroup list [LH] command.





Specifies the file name pattern for the specified report type. Note that you can use wildcard characters for the value of Pattern (for example, *.exe).


Specifies the minimum number of days since a file screening violation occurred for the File Screening Audit report.


Specifies the minimum number of days since a file was last accessed for the Least Recently Accessed Files report.


Specifies the maximum number of days since a file was last accessed for the Most Recently Accessed Files report.

/minsize-LargeFiles:<MinSize>[kb | mb | gb]

Specifies the minimum file size for the Large Files report. By default, the MinSize value is denoted in kiloybytes (KB), but you can append kb, mb, or gb to specify the unit.


Specifies the minimum quota usage percentage for the Quota Usage report.



Specifies the list of file owners for the File Screen Audit report or the Files by Owner report. The OwnerList value can be a list of one or more user names separated by a pipe character (|), enclosed in quotation marks. To specify all owners, set OwnerList to "".


Performs the operation on the remote computer ComputerName.


Copy Code

storrept ad d
storrept admin defaults


Copy Code

storrept admin defaults

Copy Code

storrept admin defaults /ondemand:d:\reports /minsize-LargeFiles:50mb

Additional references

Command-Line Syntax Key

Storrept admin options