Fsutil fsinfo

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista,Windows Server 2000,Windows 7,Windows Server 2003 R2

Lists all drives, queries the drive type, queries volume information, queries NTFS-specific volume information, or queries file system statistics.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


Copy Code

fsutil fsinfo [drives]
fsutil fsinfo [drivetype] <VolumePath>
fsutil fsinfo [ntfsinfo] <RootPath>
fsutil fsinfo [statistics] <VolumePath>
fsutil fsinfo [volumeinfo] <RootPath>





Lists all drives in the computer.


Queries a drive and lists its type, for example CD-ROM drive.


Lists NTFS specific volume information for the specified volume, such as the number of sectors, total clusters, free clusters, and the start and end of the MFT Zone.


Lists file system statistics for the specified volume, such as metadata, log file, and MFT reads and writes.


Lists information for the specified volume, such as the file system, and whether the volume supports case-sensitive file names, unicode in file names, or disk quotas.


Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon).


Specifies the drive letter (followed by a colon) of the root drive.


To list all of the drives in the computer, type:

Copy Code

fsutil fsinfo drives

Output similar to the following displays:

Copy Code

Drives: A:\ C:\ D:\ E:\      

To query the drive type of drive C, type:

Copy Code

fsutil fsinfo drivetype c:

Possible results of the query include:

Copy Code

Unknown Drive
No such Root Directory
Removable Drive, for example floppy
Fixed Drive
Remote/Network Drive
CD-ROM Drive
Ram Disk

To query the volume information for volume E, type:

Copy Code

fsinfo volumeinfo e:\

Output similar to the following displays:

Copy Code

Volume Name :Volume
Serial Number : 0xd0b634d9
Max Component Length : 255
File System Name : NTFS
Supports Named Streams      

To query drive F for NTFS-specific volume information, type:

Copy Code

fsutil fsinfo ntfsinfo f:

Output similar to the following displays:

Copy Code

NTFS Volume Serial Number : 0xe660d46a60d442cb
Number Sectors :            0x00000000010ea04f
Total Clusters :            0x000000000021d409
Mft Zone End   :            0x0000000000004700      

To query the file system statistics for drive E, type:

Copy Code

fsinfo statistics e:

Output similar to the following displays:

Copy Code

File System Type :     NTFS
Version :              1
UserFileReads :        75021
UserFileReadBytes :    1305244512
LogFileWriteBytes :    180936704      

Additional references

Command-Line Syntax Key
