Fsutil file

Applies To: Windows Server 2003 R2,Windows 7,Windows Server 2000,Windows Vista,Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2008 R2

Finds a file by user name (if Disk Quotas are enabled), queries allocated ranges for a file, sets a file's short name, sets a file's valid data length, sets zero data for a file, or creates a new file.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


Copy Code

fsutil file [createnew] <FileName> <Length>
fsutil file [findbysid] <UserName> <Directory>
fsutil file [queryallocranges] offset=<Offset> length=<Length> <FileName>
fsutil file [quaeryfileid] <FileName>
fsutil file [queryfilenamebyid] <Volume> <Fileid>
fsutil file [setshortname] <FileName> <ShortName>
fsutil file [setvaliddata] <FileName> <DataLength>
fsutil file [setzerodata] offset=<Offset> length=<Length> <FileName>





Creates a file of the specified name and size, with content that consists of zeroes.


Specifies the full path to the file including the file name and extension, for example C:\documents\filename.txt.


Specifies the file's valid data length.


Finds files that belong to a specified user on NTFS volumes where Disk Quotas are enabled.


Specifies the user's user name or logon name.


Specifies the full path to the directory, for example C:\users.


Queries the allocated ranges for a file on an NTFS volume. Useful for determining whether a file has sparse regions.


Specifies the start of the range that should be set to zeroes.


Specifies the length of the range (in bytes).


Queries the file ID of a file on an NTFS volume.

This parameter applies to: Windows Server® 2008 R2 and Windows® 7.


Displays a random link name for a specified file ID on an NTFS volume. Since a file can have more than one link name pointing to that file, it is not guaranteed which file link will be provided as a result of the query for the file name.

This parameter applies to: Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.


Specifies the ID of the file on an NTFS volume.


Specifies the volume as drive name followed by a colon.


Sets the short name (8.3 character-length file name) for a file on an NTFS volume.


Specifies the file's short name.


Sets the valid data length for a file on an NTFS volume.


Specifies the length of the file in bytes.


Sets a range (specified by Offset and Length) of the file to zeroes, which empties the file. If the file is a sparse file, the underlying allocation units are decommitted.



To find files that are owned by scottb on drive C, type:

Copy Code

fsutil file findbysid scottb c:\users  

To query the allocated ranges for a file on an NTFS volume, type:

Copy Code

fsutil file queryallocranges offset=1024 length=64 c:\temp\sample.txt  

To set the short name for the file Longfilename.txt on drive C to Longfile.txt, type:

Copy Code

fsutil file setshortname c:\longfilename.txt longfile.txt  

To set the valid data length to 4096 bytes for a file named Testfile.txt on an NTFS volume, type:

Copy Code

fsutil file setvaliddata c:\testfile.txt 4096  

To set a range of a file on an NTFS volume to zeros to empty it, type:

Copy Code

fsutil file setzerodata offset=100 length=150 c:\temp\sample.txt  

Additional references

Command-Line Syntax Key
