Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości
3 Population Dynamics
3.2 Malthusian Growth

1 Introduction to Simulation and Modeling
2 Discrete Medeling (L-Systems)
3 Population Dynamics
3.1 Fibonacci Growth
3.2 Malthusian Growth
3.3 Logistic Growth
3.4 Phase Trajectories and Limit Cycles
3.5 Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey Populations
3.6 Gilpins model and transition Chaos
3.7 Additional Exercises
4 Number Representation and Error Propagation
5 Modeling with Random Numbers
6 Heat Transfer in a Rod (Connection Mathematica and C: MathLink)
7 Special Topics in Stochastic Finance
8 Appendix: Introduction to Mathematica
9 Population Dynamics in Vensim®PLE

III.2 Malthusian Growth

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) is generally credited with the idea that populations tend to grow exponentially.  Exponential growth (or decay) occurs whenever the rate of change over time of a variable is directly proportional to the value of the variable.  To see this in Mathematica, we use  [Graphics:Images/nb3_gr_68.gif] as the constant of proportionality.


We can plot several solution curves at once to see the behavior of the solutions.



Experiment with different [Graphics:Images/nb3_gr_73.gif] and [Graphics:Images/nb3_gr_74.gif] values. Give an interpretation of [Graphics:Images/nb3_gr_75.gif] and [Graphics:Images/nb3_gr_76.gif] in terms of population growth (e.g. birth rate and death rate).

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