Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Bankowości
4 Number Representation and Error Propagation
4.3 Conditioning

1 Introduction to Simulation and Modeling
2 Discrete Medeling (L-Systems)
3 Population Dynamics
4 Number Representation and Error Propagation
4.1 Number Representation
4.2 Error Propagation
4.3 Conditioning
5 Modeling with Random Numbers
6 Heat Transfer in a Rod (Connection Mathematica and C: MathLink)
7 Special Topics in Stochastic Finance
8 Appendix: Introduction to Mathematica
9 Population Dynamics in Vensim®PLE


Even when calculations are performed exactly, there are situations for which it can be difficult or impossible to obtain a correct answer. Chaotic systems are extremely sensitive to small changes in the start conditions. A well-known example of such a system is weather forecasting. The chaotic nature of the system imposes a limit on the period at which the weather can be forecasted with some degree of confidentiality (this period is about 15 days!).
The sensitivity of a system to changes in the start conditions is expressed in terms of the condition number, which is defined as


The condition number determines whether a system is sensitive to changes in the start conditions. A large condition number makes a system ill-conditioned and sensitive to small changes. A small condition number on the other hand defines a well-conditioned system where the system behaves well to small changes.

Condition number of linear functions

Assume that the approximated result for [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_287.gif] follows from using the approximated value of [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_288.gif], for some linear function [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_289.gif]. (Whenever [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_290.gif] is not a linear function take the first order Taylor expansion.) It was shown in the previous section that for any number the computed or approximated value can be written as


Applying this to [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_292.gif] gives

[Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_293.gif],             (1)

where [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_294.gif] is the approximated value to [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_295.gif]. The assumption that [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_296.gif] follows from the approximated value for [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_297.gif] can be written as

[Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_298.gif].             (2)

Combining (1) and (2) leads to

[Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_299.gif]  (3)

The fraction [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_300.gif] is a measure for the sensitivity of this system. If the derivative of [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_301.gif] exists in [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_302.gif] the following is true


Together with (3) this gives


as [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_305.gif]. This result gives us a measure for the relative sensitivity of [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_306.gif] for small variations in [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_307.gif]. By taking the absolute value the condition number of [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_308.gif] for [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_309.gif] is obtained:


Take for example the function [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_311.gif]. The relative derivative is given by [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_312.gif]. The condition number is therefore [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_313.gif]. This implies that for  [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_314.gif] the function is sensitive to small changes in its arguments. For [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_315.gif] on the other hand, small variations in the arguments will have only small effects.

Give the condition number for an argument [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_316.gif] for the function [Graphics:Images/nb4_gr_317.gif]. Also discuss when the function is sensitive to small changes in its arguments.

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