Storrept reports delete

Applies To: Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2008 R2

Deletes currently scheduled storage reports.


To use this command, you must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group.


This command does not delete a task from the system; it only deletes the storage reports associated with the task. If you want to delete the task also, use the schtasks /delete command. For more information, see Schtasks, and the examples in this topic.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


Copy Code

storrept reports delete /task:<TaskName> [/quiet] [/remote:<ComputerName>]





Specifies the name of the task with which the reports that will be deleted are associated.


Deletes the storage reports without warning. By default, you are prompted to confirm deletion.


Performs the operation on the remote computer ComputerName.


Copy Code

storrept r d /q
storrept reports delete /quiet


Copy Code

storrept reports delete /task:fsrmreport

If you also want to delete the FSRMReport task from the system, type:

Copy Code

schtasks /delete /tn fsrmreport

Copy Code

storrept reports delete /task:fsrmreport /remote:fileserver1

If you also want to delete the FSRMReport task from the remote system, type:

Copy Code

schtasks /delete /tn fsrmreport /s fileserver1

Additional references

Command-Line Syntax Key

Storrept reports