
Applies To: Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows XP,Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista,Windows Server 2000,Windows Server 2003 R2,Windows 7

Displays, sets, or removes CMD.EXE environment variables. If used without parameters, set displays the current environment variable settings.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


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set [<Variable>=[<String>]]
set [/p] <Variable>=[<PromptString>]
set /a <Variable>=<Expression>





Specifies the environment variable to set or modify.


Specifies the string to associate with the specified environment variable.


Sets the value of Variable to a line of input entered by the user.


Optional. Specifies a message to prompt the user for input. This parameter is used with the /p command-line option.


Sets String to a numerical expression that is evaluated.


Specifies a numerical expression. See Remarks for valid operators that can be used in Expression.


Displays help at the command prompt.



Operation performed

( )


! ~ -


* / %


+ -


<< >>

Logical shift


Bitwise AND


Bitwise exclusive OR


Bitwise OR

= *= /= %= += -= &= ^= |= <<= >>=



Expression separator

If you use logical (&& or ||) or modulus (%) operators, enclose the expression string in quotation marks. Any non-numeric strings in the expression are considered environment variable names, and their values are converted to numbers before they are processed. If you specify an environment variable name that is not defined in the current environment, a value of zero is allotted, which allows you to perform arithmetic with environment variable values without using the % to retrieve a value.

If you run set /a from the command line outside of a command script, it displays the final value of the expression.

Numeric values are decimal numbers unless prefixed by 0× for hexadecimal numbers or 0 for octal numbers. Therefore, 0×12 is the same as 18, which is the same as 022.


To set an environment variable named TEST^1, type:

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set testVar=test^^1


The set command assigns everything that follows the equal sign (=) to the value of the variable. If you type:

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set testVar="test^1"

You get the following result:

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To set an environment variable named TEST&1, type:

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set testVar=test^&1

To set an environment variable named INCLUDE so that the string C:\Inc (the \Inc directory on drive C) is associated with it, type:

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set include=c:\inc

You can then use the string C:\Inc in batch files by enclosing the name INCLUDE with percent signs (%). For example, you might include the following command in a batch file so that you can display the contents of the directory that is associated with the INCLUDE environment variable:

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dir %include%

When this command is processed, the string C:\Inc replaces %include%.

You can also use set in a batch program that adds a new directory to the PATH environment variable. For example:

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@echo off
rem ADDPATH.BAT adds a new directory
rem to the path environment variable.
set path=%1;%path%

To display a list of all of the environment variables that begin with the letter P, type:

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set p


This command requires command extensions, which are enabled by default.

Additional references

Command-Line Syntax Key