
Applies To: Windows Server 2008,Windows Vista

Deletes a directory. This command is the same as the rmdir command.

For examples of how to use this command, see Examples.


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rd [<Drive>:]<Path> [/s [/q]]
rmdir [<Drive>:]<Path> [/s [/q]]





Specifies the location and the name of the directory that you want to delete. Path is required.


Deletes a directory tree (the specified directory and all its subdirectories, including all files).


Specifies quiet mode. Does not prompt for confirmation when deleting a directory tree. (Note that /q works only if /s is specified.)


Displays help at the command prompt.



You cannot delete the directory that you are currently working in. You must change to a directory that is not within the current directory. For example, to change to the parent directory, type:

Copy Code

cd ..

You can now safely remove the desired directory.

Use the /s option to remove a directory tree. For example, to remove a directory named Test (and all its subdirectories and files) from the current directory, type:

Copy Code

rd /s test

To run the previous example in quiet mode, type:

Copy Code

rd /s /q test


When you run rd /s in quiet mode, the entire directory tree is deleted without confirmation. Ensure that important files are moved or backed up before using the /q command-line option.

Additional references

Command-Line Syntax Key