
Applies To: Windows Server 2008,Windows Vista

You can use nfsadmin to manage Server for NFS and Client for NFS.


nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName[-p Password]] -l

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] -r {client | all}

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] {start | stop}

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] config Option[...]

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] creategroup Name

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] listgroups

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] deletegroup Name

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] renamegroup OldName NewName

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] addmembers Name Host[...]

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] listmembers

nfsadmin server [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] deletemembers Group Host[...]

nfsadmin client [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] {start | stop}

nfsadmin client [ComputerName] [-u UserName [-p Password]] config Option[...]


The nfsadmin command-line utility administers Server for NFS or Client for NFS on the local or remote computer running Microsoft Services for Network File System (NFS). If you are logged on with an account that does not have the required privileges, you can specify a user name and password of an account that does. The action performed by nfsadmin depends on the command arguments you supply.

In addition to service-specific command arguments and options, nfsadmin accepts the following:

Administering Server for NFS

Use the nfsadmin server command to administer Server for NFS. The specific action that nfsadmin server takes depends on the command option or argument you specify:

You also need to disable Windows kernel case-insensitivity in order for Server for NFS to support case-sensitive file names. You can disable Windows kernel case-insensitivity by clearing the following registry key to 0:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel

DWORD “obcaseinsensitive”

If you do not specify a command option or argument, nfsadmin server displays the current Server for NFS configuration settings.

Administering Client for NFS

Use the nfsadmin client command to administer Client for NFS. The specific action that nfsadmin client takes depends on the command argument you specify:

If you do not specify a command option or argument, nfsadmin client displays the current Client for NFS configuration settings.