
Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Schedules commands and programs to run on a computer at a specified time and date. You can use at only when the Schedule service is running. Used without parameters, at lists scheduled commands.


at [\\ComputerName] [{[ID] [/delete] | /delete [/yes]}]

at [[\\ComputerName] Hours:Minutes [/interactive] [{/every:Date[,...] | /next:Date[,...]}] Command]



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Status  ID   Day        Time        Command Line
OK      1    Each F     4:30 PM     net send group leads status due
OK      2    Each M     12:00 AM    chkstor > check.file
OK      3    Each F     11:59 PM    backup2.bat

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Task ID:      1
Status:       OK
Schedule:     Each  F
Time of Day:  4:30 PM
Command:      net send group leads status due

After you schedule a command with at, especially a command that has command-line options, check that the command syntax is correct by typing at without command-line options. If the information in the Command Line column is incorrect, delete the command and retype it. If it is still incorrect, retype the command with fewer command-line options.

  1. Start Registry Editor (regedit.exe).

  2. Locate and click the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Schedule

  3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value: Value Name: AtTaskMaxHours Data type: REG_DWORD Radix: Decimal Value Data: 0. A value of 0 in the value data field indicates no limit, does not stop. Values from 1 through 99 indicates the number of hours.



To display a list of commands scheduled on the Marketing server, type:

at \\marketing

To learn more about a command with the identification number 3 on the Corp server, type:

at \\corp 3

To schedule a net share command to run on the Corp server at 8:00 A.M. and redirect the listing to the Maintenance server, in the Reports shared directory, and the Corp.txt file, type:

at \\corp 08:00 cmd /c "net share reports=d:\marketing\reports >> \\maintenance\reports\corp.txt"

To back up the hard drive of the Marketing server to a tape drive at midnight every five days, create a batch program called Archive.cmd, which contains the backup commands, and then schedule the batch program to run, type:

at \\marketing 00:00 /every:5,10,15,20,25,30 archive

To cancel all commands scheduled on the current server, clear the at schedule information as follows:

at /delete

To run a command that is not an executable (that is, .exe) file, precede the command with cmd /c to load Cmd.exe as follows:

cmd /c dir > c:\test.out