Konnekt_log ... v | ui _____________________________________________ ## [CORE] argv[0]=E:\KUBA-Gry\Internet\Konnekt\konnekt.exe ## [CORE] appPath=E:\KUBA-Gry\Internet\Konnekt\ ## [CORE] dataPath=E:\KUBA-Gry\Internet\Konnekt\data\ ## [CORE] PATH=E:\KUBA-Gry\Internet\Konnekt\data\dll;E:\KUBA-Gry\Internet\Konnekt\data\dll;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem ## [CORE] Statystyka id = 1073755449; uptime = 0; msgSent = 0; msgRecv = 0 ## [CORE] --- Beta report saved --- ## [CORE] * plugin - ui.dll ## [CORE] --- UI loaded --- ## [CORE] --- ProfilesDir set --- ## [CORE] --- Profile set --- ## [CORE] profile=Qiub ## [CORE] profileDir=E:\KUBA-Gry\Internet\Konnekt\profiles\Qiub\ ## [CORE] tempDir=C:\DOCUME~1\WINDOW~1\USTAWI~1\Temp\Konnekt_Qiub_afcda2d2 ## [CORE] --- Core columns set --- ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\update.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\gg.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\dwutlenek.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\sms.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kstyle.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kLAN.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\exPIMP.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kTransfer.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\konnferencja.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kIEview.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\emnotifier_nossl.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kDodatki.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\faworki.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\ggimage.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kZmieniacz.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kpilot2.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\notify.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\GetToKnow.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\tabletka.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\actio.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kRadio.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kAQQ.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kRSS.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\statuseK.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\kMail.dll ## [CORE] * plugin - plugins\FTP.dll ## [CORE] --- plg.dtb saved --- ## [CORE] --- Plug.sort --- ## [CORE] --- Plugins loaded --- ## [kMail] Ustawianie wartosci w kolumnach konf. ## [CORE] --- Plugin columns set --- ## [kAQQ] 21011 ## [CORE] --- Profile loaded --- ## [CORE] --- Versions checked --- ## [wXP UI] -> ComCtl 60000 isWXP 1 ## [kAQQ] 30031 ## [GGimage] dd: fetching previous owner of message box ## [GGimage] dd: owner not found ## [kRadio] Rejestruję ikony w toolbarze ## [kRadio] Zarejestrowałem. Umiejscawiam główny przycisk ## [kRadio] Ustawiłem w toolbarze głównym ## [kMail] Tworzenie akcji i konfiguracji ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [FaworKi] IMIA_CNT_INFO retrieved ## [FaworKi] Fetching previous plugin ID for IMIA_CNT_INFO: 128 ## [FaworKi] Old IMIA_CNT_INFO deleted ## [FaworKi] New IMIA_CNT_INFO attached ## [FaworKi] IMIA_CNT_IGNORE retrieved ## [FaworKi] Fetching previous plugin ID for IMIA_CNT_IGNORE: 128 ## [FaworKi] Old IMIA_CNT_IGNORE deleted ## [FaworKi] New IMIA_CNT_IGNORE attached ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::loadNets().retroItem]: net = 10, use = yes ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::loadNets().retroItem]: net = 63, use = no ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::loadNets().retroItem]: net = 12, use = no ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::loadNets().retroItem]: net = 1313, use = no ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::loadNets().item]: id = 1, net = 10, name = Gadu-Gadu™, use = yes ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::loadNets().item]: id = 2, net = 63, name = Tlen, use = no ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::loadNets().item]: id = 3, net = 1313, name = AQQ, use = no ## [kZmieniacz] [kZmieniacz::IPrepare()]: Ctrl = 16011944, pCtrl = 16989544, sCtrl = 16675240, wCtrl = 16994952, lCtrl = 16995032 ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::UIDraw().item]: name = Gadu-Gadu™, use = yes ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::UIDraw().item]: name = Tlen, use = no ## [kZmieniacz] [NetList<16995032>::UIDraw().item]: name = AQQ, use = no ## [kAQQ] 30032 ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [kRSS] [IPrepare]: ## [kRSS] Tworzę ikonki w grupie wtyczek ## [CORE] --- UI prepared --- ## [kMail] kMail uruchomiony ## [GG] --- LibGaduw32 v: CVS --- ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [kAQQ] Subclass akcji okna wysylania o owner: 137 ## [kRSS] [IStart]: ## [kAQQ] 21102 ## [wXP UI] -> autostart = 0 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] UISet ## [wXP UI] * fillList Start ## [wXP UI] * fillList End ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -2 ## [wXP UI] Refresh -1 ## [CORE] --- Plugins started --- ## [kAQQ] 23004 ## [CORE] * SetConn plug=81 val=1 ## [CORE] --- ConnTimer ON .. in 101000 ms --- ## [CORE] --- Auto-Connected --- ## [kAQQ] 20100 ## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073852395 jest w kolejce --- ## [kAQQ] 20100 ## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073917753 jest w kolejce --- ## [kAQQ] 20100 ## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073954200 jest w kolejce --- ## [kAQQ] 20100 ## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073969453 jest w kolejce --- ## [kAQQ] 20100 ## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073990981 jest w kolejce --- ## [kAQQ] 20100 ## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1073994163 jest w kolejce --- ## [kAQQ] 20100 ## [CORE] --- Wiadomość 1074005586 jest w kolejce --- ## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=7 , reqNet=-1 , reqType=-1 ## [CORE] --- First MSGQueue (rcv) --- ## [CORE] --- --- INITIALIZATION SUCCESSFULL --- --- ## [CORE] --- msg.dtb saved --- ## [kZmieniacz] [kZmieniacz::actionProc()]: anBase->act.id = 30352, anBase->act.cnt = 0, an->code = 10 ## [kZmieniacz] [kZmieniacz::actionProc()]: anBase->act.id = 30352, anBase->act.cnt = 0, an->code = 11 ## [CORE] -> T=f6 ## [CORE] >> T=f6 << ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [GG] PROXY 0 , (null) : 0 ## [GG] setStatus st=14 d=1 lp=340fe40 ## [GG] Connecting to "" (SSL=0 Host="" Port=0) from list ## [kTransfer2] Wątek główny uruchomiony ## [kTransfer2] Binding to: 1550 from (1550 - 1560) ## [CORE] -> T=1fbd0 NW ## [CORE] -> T=27e1 ## [CORE] >> T=1fbd0 << ## [CORE] >> T=27e1 << ## [wXP UI] * Start Long Dlg w/o timer ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTING_HUB ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() connected to hub, sending query ## [GG] _GG| => -----BEGIN-HTTP-QUERY----- GET /appsvc/appmsg2.asp?fmnumber=298408&version=6%2c+1%2c+0%2c+158&lastmsg=0 HTTP/1.0 Host: appmsg.gadu-gadu.pl User-Agent: Mozilla/4.7 [en] (Win98; I) Pragma: no-cache => -----END-HTTP-QUERY----- ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_DATA ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() received http header (HTTP/1.0 200 OK) ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() received http data (0 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTING_GG ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() connected ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_KEY ## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(1228,0340EB78,8) = 8 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() body recv(1228,00FA9168,4) = 4 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() gg_dcc_ip = ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() sending GG_LOGIN60 packet ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_READING_REPLY ## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(1228,0340EB78,8) = 8 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() body recv(1228,00FB7F10,1) = 1 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() login succeded ## [CORE] -> T=27e2 ## [CORE] >> T=27e2 << ## [wXP UI] * Stop Long ## [CORE] -> T=65 ## [CORE] >> T=65 << ## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=7 , reqNet=10 , reqType=1 ## [GG] setStatus st=14 d=-1 lp=ffffffff ## [CORE] -> T=277c ## [CORE] >> T=277c << ## [CORE] -> T=277c ## [CORE] >> T=277c << ## [CORE] -> T=f6 ## [CORE] >> T=f6 << ## [kAQQ] 0 ## [CORE] -> T=1e NW ## [CORE] -> T=65 ## [CORE] >> T=1e << ## [CORE] * SetConn plug=82 val=0 ## [CORE] --- ConnTimer OFF --- ## [CORE] >> T=65 << ## [CORE] * MessageQueue - inQ=7 , reqNet=20 , reqType=1 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTED ## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() header recv(1228,0340F3D0,8) = 8 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_recv_packet() body recv(1228,02BD17B8,1506) = 1506 ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd_connected() received a notify reply ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5097 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5099 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5103 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5105 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5107 st=5 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 0 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5110 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5113 st=2 [40] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5115 st=5 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5116 st=5 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5120 st=2 [40] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5127 st=3 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5128 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5129 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5134 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5142 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5143 st=5 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5144 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5145 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5146 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5150 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5153 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5173 st=3 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5174 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5184 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5187 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5190 st=5 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5200 st=3 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5204 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5207 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5208 st=5 [41] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [wXP UI] --- Nowy trayNotify = 512 --- ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5212 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5217 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [GG] __GG Notify c=5356 st=15 [0] ## [CORE] -> T=ea ## [CORE] >> T=ea << ## [Konnekt Notify] Proba zmiany statusu kontaktu ## [kAQQ] 24011 ## [CORE] -> T=2ee1 ## [CORE] >> T=2ee1 << ## [GG] _GG| // gg_watch_fd() GG_STATE_CONNECTED ## [wXP UI] TRAY FG=40030 AC=0 M=3010a UNC=0 ## [wXP UI] UNHIDE